How to Install Frappe HR Mobile App on Android?

Curious about how to install frappe HR mobile app on android device?
Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you step by step through the process, ensuring you can effortlessly stay connected with your HR data. As the field of Human Resources (HR) management continues to evolve, having swift and accessible HR-related information is crucial.
Install Frappe HR Mobile App
The Frappe HR Mobile App, introduced in version 15 and beyond, provides a progressive web app (PWA) solution, allowing you to seamlessly connect with your HR data while on the move. Let’s dive into the hassle-free journey of installing the Frappe HR Mobile App on your Android device.
Frappe HR Mobile App Installation
To get started, navigate to the following URL on your mobile browser (preferably Chrome):
For example, if your site name is “,” you can install the mobile app from “”
Note: Firefox users may need to use a different browser, as Firefox does not support PWA installation without a plugin.
Install Frappe HR Mobile App on Android
- On your Android device, visiting the specified URL will prompt you to install the Frappe HR Mobile App.
- If you do not see the installation prompt, tap on the hamburger menu (three dots) in your browser.
- From the menu options, select “Install app.”
- Tap on the “Install” button in the subsequent prompt and wait for a few seconds as the app installs.
Install Frappe HR Mobile App - Once the installation is complete, you will find the Frappe HR app among your applications on your Android device.
- Open the Frappe HR app, and you will be prompted to log in using your site credentials.
- Key in your login credentials to the Frappe HR app and you are good to go!
Exploring the Features
Now that you have successfully installed the Frappe HR Mobile App on your Android device, you can explore its features to enhance your HR management experience:
- Employee Self-Service: Access personal information, leave balances, and attendance records.
- Notifications: Receive real-time alerts for crucial HR updates and announcements.
- Time Tracking: Log your working hours and conveniently submit timesheets.
- Company Directory: Browse through a well-organized directory of your colleagues.
By following these simple steps, you can effortlessly install the Frappe HR Mobile App on your Android device, enabling you to stay connected with your HR data wherever you go.
So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and embrace the power of mobile HR management and enhance your workplace experience with Frappe HR.
If you’re in need of proficient guide with the implementation, customization, and optimization of ERPNext or FrappeHR to unleash its maximum capabilities for your business, our dedicated team is ready to assist you. Feel free to reach out to us by sending a message, and our experienced professionals will be more than happy to provide guidance.
For direct communication, you can contact us via email at info@ or give us a call at +91 9841205845.